Wednesday, December 23, 2015

mom and baby

i was inspired by the new Servochem 2016 calendar to make this B&W wildlife picture. nothing like the beautiful images in that calendar, but an enjoyable project none the less! :-)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

B&W portrait without eyes

And so my study of Black & White continues... I find myself leaning towards grainy, high contrast images.., images with some emotion, soul...
Here's a picture i made last week for a DPChallenge - "Portrait without eyes". The contest is currently in the voting phase and my image is attracting some reasonable scores. It's obviously not to everyone's taste, but i like it..., and therein lies quite a challenge for me - explore what i like, not what i think everyone else likes.
Thank you Renee for not only being my model, but for encouraging this attitude!

Photographically, i like the fact that this image is low-key but has a full spectrum of tones. The diagonal lines in the background and the highlights of her hair contrast with the vertical dandelion stem... and not seeing her eyes creates a nice tension, an emotion, a frozen moment

Monday, March 23, 2015

blades and petals

Continuing my study of B&W photography, this is an image exploring B&W tones, with vastly contrasting textures.
I made this picture by shooting into the light, with a delicate (and slightly transparent) flower balanced on dreadful razor wire strands.
I think the shapes and contrasting textures work well in this picture....

Saturday, January 10, 2015

misty landscape

I made this picture while camping in the Drakensberg mountains this week - I woke up to a thick mist which was quite a challenge to accurately capture and present (I have pushed the contrast a bit on this version).